Why we give

Humans have been celebrating the ritual of gift-giving since the beginning of recorded history. There’s a good reason why. The act of giving to each other quickly communicates several admirable sentiments. We give to show affection. We buy present to express love. We hand others gifts as a show of respect. We wrap presents for others to celebrate milestones. We offer a token of our appreciation to say thanks.

Through it all, one thing is clear: giving to others makes us feel good.

The impact of gift giving itself lasts much longer than the unwrapping. Psychologically, the giver sometimes feels even better about the act than the receiver. The benefits of remembering others, especially on key occasions help strengthen bonds between both giver and receiver.

Gifts are simply an extension of how we feel about one another. The act of searching, selecting and purchasing a gift tells another that they are someone special. The thought may count, but the act has long-lasting positive implications.

And for everyone who thinks spending more will mean more, think again. The best gifts are almost always the ones seen as thoughtful and meaningful and can take the form of a well-timed note or card or even a poem for the more adventurous.

Gift-giving has worked since the beginning of time.

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